Media Appearances

Webb, D.; Stutz, S.; Hiscock, E.; Bowra, A.; Butsang, T.; Tan, S.; Scott-Kay, B.; Mashford-Pringle, A (2023). Indigenous Cultural Safety Trainings for Healthcare Professionals Working in Ontario, Canada: Context and Considerations for Healthcare Institutions. Health Services Insights, Vol. 16,
Webb, D.; Mashford-Pringle, A. (2022). Incorporating Indigenous Content Into K-12 Curriculum: Supports for Teachers in Provincial and Territorial Policy and Post-Secondary Education Spaces. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Vol. 198,
Bowra, Andrea; Mashford-Pringle, Angela; Poland, Blake. (2021). Indigenous learning on Turtle Island: A review of the literature on land-based learning. Canadian Geographer. DOI: 10.1111/cag.12659
Jull, J.; King, A.; Mashford-Pringle, A.; Desnomie, C.; Manitowabi, D.; Walker, J.; Brant, L.;
King, M.; Morton Ninomiya, M.; Gordon, M.; Ferrazzi, P. (2021). Indigenous community
partnerships can help address health inequities. The Conversation, March 16, 2021.
Galloway, T.; Butsang, T.; Bowra, A.; Mashford-Pringle, A. (2020). Education in uncertainty: Academic Life as Indigenous health scholars during COVID-19. International Review of Education – Special Issue on Education in the Age of COVID-19.
Wali, S.; Superina, S.; Mashford-Pringle, A.; Ross, H.; Cafazzo, J. (2021). What Do You Mean by Engagement? Evaluating the Use of Community Engagement in the Design and Implementation of Chronic Disease-Based Interventions for Indigenous Populations – Scoping Review. International Journal for Equity in Health, Vol. 20.
Mashford-Pringle, A.; Stewart, S. (2019). Akiikaa (it is the land): exploring land-based experiences with University Students in Ontario. Global Health Promotion, Vol. 26, Issue 3_suppl, pp. 64-72, DOI 10.1177/1757975919828722.
Thurston, J.; Mashford-Pringle, A. (2015). Nursing and Indigenous Education Integration. Journal of Nursing and Education Practice, Vol. 5, No. 10;
Nardozi, A.; Mashford-Pringle, A. (2014). Teacher Candidates Learning about Aboriginal Education Perspectives in Ontario. First Nations Perspectives Journal, Vol. 6(1), pp. 52-66.
Restoule, J.P., Mashford-Pringle, A., Chacaby, M., Smillie, C., Brunette, C., & Russel, G. (2013). Supporting successful transitions to post-secondary education for indigenous: Lessons from an institutional ethnography in Ontario Canada. International Indigenous Policy Journal, Vol. 4(4), # 4; doi: 10.18584/iipj2013.4.4.4
Mashford-Pringle, A.; Nardozi, A. (2013). Aboriginal Knowledge Infusion in Initial Teacher Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. International Indigenous Policy Journal, Vol. 4(4), # 3; doi: 10.18584/iipj2013.4.4.3
Mashford-Pringle, A. (2012). Early Learning for Aboriginal Children: Exploring the Aboriginal Head Start Urban and Northern Communities Program in Ontario. First Peoples Child & Family Review Journal, Vol. 7(1), pp. 127-140.
Mashford-Pringle, A. (2012). My Decolonizing Journey: An Urban Aboriginal Woman’s Thoughts. Honouring Indigenous Women: Hearts of Nations – Vol 2.
Mashford-Pringle, A. (2009). Bi-cultured Effects on Indigenous Mental Health. Canadian Native Social Work Journal Online, Vol. 1, June 2009