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Faruqui, A.; Tjong, GB.; Boutros, HM.; Stutz, S.; Mashford-Pringle, A. (2024). Programs supporting incarcerated and previously incarcerated Indigenous peoples: a scoping review protocol. Int’l J Circum Health, Vol. 83(1). 


Butsang, T.; Zafar, S.; Dastoori, P.; McLuhan, A.; Rice, E.; Zeigler, C.; Mashford-Pringle, 
; Matheson, F. (publishing 2024). COVID-related disruptions and adaptations to prisonbased mental health and substance use services: A narrative review. Intl J of Prisoner Health.


Rice, E., Mashford-Pringle, A., Qiang, J., Henderson, L., MacLean, T., Rhoden, J., Simms, 
A., & Stutz, S. (2023). Frameworks, guidelines, and tools to develop a learning health system 
for Indigenous health: An environmental scan for Canada. Learning Health Systems, 1-8.


Roher, S.; Andrew, P.; Chatwood, S.; Fairman, K.; Galloway, T.; Mashford-Pringle, A.; Gibson, J. (2023). Envisioning Indigenous and biomedical healthcare collaboration at Stanton Territorial Hospital, Northwest Territories. Intl J of Circumpolar Health, Vol. 82(1)


Wali, S., Seidel, J., Spence, G., Innes, L., Innes, E., Simard, A., Mashford-Pringle, A... & Ross, H. (2023). Heart health begins with community: Community-based research exploring innovative strategies to support First Nations heart health. CJC Open 


Wali, S., Sinabulya, I., Muhangi, C. N., Kamarembo, J., Atala, J., Nabadda, M., Mashford-Pringle, A ... & Schwartz, J. I. (2023). Bridging community and clinic through digital health: 
Community-based adaptation of a mobile phone-based heart failure program for remote 
communities in Uganda. BMC Digital Health.

Tan, S.; Mashford-Pringle, A.; Butsang, T.; Scott, B.; Tjong, G.; Flores, J.; Matheson, F.;
Lawford, K. (2023). “These Issues Aren’t Separate”: The Relationship Among Being
Indigenous, Motherhood, and the Criminal Justice System. Journal of Correctional Health Care,
Vol 2, pp. 135-142.

Rice, E.; Mashford-Pringle, A.; MacLean, T.; Belmore, D. (2023) Needing Indigenous
Biometrics for Health in Canada. Preventive Medicine Reports, Vol. 31.

Wang, Z.; Mashford-Pringle, A. (2022). Nutritional Challenges and Dietary Practices of Ethnic
Minority (Indigenous) Groups in China: A Critical Appraisal. Frontiers in Sustainable Food
Systems, Vol. 6;

Milligan, C.; Mantla, R.; Blake, G.; Zoe, JB.; Steinwand, T.; Greenland, S.; Keats, S.; Nash, S.;
Kakfwi-Scott, K.; Veldhorst, G.; Mashford-Pringle, A., Stewart, S.; Chatwood, S.; Berta, W.;
Dobrow, M. (2022). Health system learning with Indigenous communities: a study protocol for a
two-eyed seeing review and multiple case study. Health Research Policy and Systems, Vol. 20(1),
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Vervoort, D.; Kimmaliardjuk, DM.; Ross, H.; Fremes, SE.; Ouzounian, M.; Mashford-Pringle,
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CJC Open.


Hiscock, E.C.; Stutz, S.; Mashford-Pringle, A.; Tan, S.; Scott, B.; Oblin-Moses, L.; Skura, C. (2022). An environmental scan of Indigenous Patient Navigator programs in Ontario. Healthcare Management Forum, 

Flores, J.; Emory, K.; Bozinovic, K.; Thien Thanh Nguyen, D.; Adams, J.; Zuo, Y.; Chen, C.;
Santos, X.; Mashford-Pringle, A. (2022). “I think the mental part is the biggest factor”: Covid-
19 and its negative effects on Indigenous Peoples. Frontiers in Sociology, Public Mental Health.

Butsang, Tenzin; Mashford-Pringle, A. (2021). Kijibashik – Turn It Around: Stories about
Motherhood from Previously Incarcerated Indigenous Mothers in Ontario. Supreme Court Law


Shapiro, GD; Sheppard, AJ; Mashford-Pringle, A; Bushnik, T; Kramer, MS; Yang, S. (2021).
Housing conditions and adverse birth outcomes among Indigenous people in Canada. Canadian
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Butsang, Tenzin; Matheson, Flora; Flores, Jerry; Mashford-Pringle, Angela. (2020). Kijibashik:
Turn It Around. University of Toronto Journal of Public Health, Vol. 1, 1.

Shapiro, G.; Sheppard, A.; Bushnik, T.; Kramer, M.; Mashford-Pringle, A.; Kaufman, J.; Yang,
S. (2018). Adverse birth outcomes and infant mortality according to registered First Nations
status and First Nations community residence across Canada. Canadian Journal of Public
Health, Vol 109(5-6), pp. 692-699.

Mashford-Pringle, A. (2016). Is There Self-Determination in Canada’s First Nations
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Mashford-Pringle, A. (2016). Aboriginal Health and Aboriginal Education are Interconnected.
Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Vol. 34, pp. 85-96. eISBN: 978-1-78635-467-9;

Mashford-Pringle, A. (2015). Indigenous Peoples and Biculturedness. Canadian Journal of
Native Studies, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 137-152.


We would like to acknowledge the traditional territories of the Mississauga of the Credit First Nation, Anishnawbe, Wendat, Huron, and Haudenosaunee Indigenous Peoples on which the Dalla Lana School of Public Health now stands.

The territory was the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and Confederacy of the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We would also like to pay our respects to all our ancestors and to our present Elders.

© 2024 by Angela Mashford-Pringle, PhD.

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