Media Appearances

Faruqui, A.; Tjong, GB.; Boutros, HM.; Stutz, S.; Mashford-Pringle, A. (2024). Programs supporting incarcerated and previously incarcerated Indigenous peoples: a scoping review protocol. Int’l J Circum Health, Vol. 83(1).
Butsang, T.; Zafar, S.; Dastoori, P.; McLuhan, A.; Rice, E.; Zeigler, C.; Mashford-Pringle,
A.; Matheson, F. (publishing 2024). COVID-related disruptions and adaptations to prisonbased mental health and substance use services: A narrative review. Intl J of Prisoner Health.
Rice, E., Mashford-Pringle, A., Qiang, J., Henderson, L., MacLean, T., Rhoden, J., Simms,
A., & Stutz, S. (2023). Frameworks, guidelines, and tools to develop a learning health system
for Indigenous health: An environmental scan for Canada. Learning Health Systems, 1-8.
Roher, S.; Andrew, P.; Chatwood, S.; Fairman, K.; Galloway, T.; Mashford-Pringle, A.; Gibson, J. (2023). Envisioning Indigenous and biomedical healthcare collaboration at Stanton Territorial Hospital, Northwest Territories. Intl J of Circumpolar Health, Vol. 82(1)
Wali, S., Seidel, J., Spence, G., Innes, L., Innes, E., Simard, A., Mashford-Pringle, A... & Ross, H. (2023). Heart health begins with community: Community-based research exploring innovative strategies to support First Nations heart health. CJC Open
Wali, S., Sinabulya, I., Muhangi, C. N., Kamarembo, J., Atala, J., Nabadda, M., Mashford-Pringle, A ... & Schwartz, J. I. (2023). Bridging community and clinic through digital health:
Community-based adaptation of a mobile phone-based heart failure program for remote
communities in Uganda. BMC Digital Health.
Tan, S.; Mashford-Pringle, A.; Butsang, T.; Scott, B.; Tjong, G.; Flores, J.; Matheson, F.;
Lawford, K. (2023). “These Issues Aren’t Separate”: The Relationship Among Being
Indigenous, Motherhood, and the Criminal Justice System. Journal of Correctional Health Care,
Vol 2, pp. 135-142.
Rice, E.; Mashford-Pringle, A.; MacLean, T.; Belmore, D. (2023) Needing Indigenous
Biometrics for Health in Canada. Preventive Medicine Reports, Vol. 31.
Wang, Z.; Mashford-Pringle, A. (2022). Nutritional Challenges and Dietary Practices of Ethnic
Minority (Indigenous) Groups in China: A Critical Appraisal. Frontiers in Sustainable Food
Systems, Vol. 6;
Milligan, C.; Mantla, R.; Blake, G.; Zoe, JB.; Steinwand, T.; Greenland, S.; Keats, S.; Nash, S.;
Kakfwi-Scott, K.; Veldhorst, G.; Mashford-Pringle, A., Stewart, S.; Chatwood, S.; Berta, W.;
Dobrow, M. (2022). Health system learning with Indigenous communities: a study protocol for a
two-eyed seeing review and multiple case study. Health Research Policy and Systems, Vol. 20(1),
pp. 1-10.
Vervoort, D.; Kimmaliardjuk, DM.; Ross, H.; Fremes, SE.; Ouzounian, M.; Mashford-Pringle,
A. (2022). Access to Cardiovascular Care for Indigenous Peoples in Canada: A Rapid Review.
CJC Open.
Hiscock, E.C.; Stutz, S.; Mashford-Pringle, A.; Tan, S.; Scott, B.; Oblin-Moses, L.; Skura, C. (2022). An environmental scan of Indigenous Patient Navigator programs in Ontario. Healthcare Management Forum,
Flores, J.; Emory, K.; Bozinovic, K.; Thien Thanh Nguyen, D.; Adams, J.; Zuo, Y.; Chen, C.;
Santos, X.; Mashford-Pringle, A. (2022). “I think the mental part is the biggest factor”: Covid-
19 and its negative effects on Indigenous Peoples. Frontiers in Sociology, Public Mental Health.
Butsang, Tenzin; Mashford-Pringle, A. (2021). Kijibashik – Turn It Around: Stories about
Motherhood from Previously Incarcerated Indigenous Mothers in Ontario. Supreme Court Law
Shapiro, GD; Sheppard, AJ; Mashford-Pringle, A; Bushnik, T; Kramer, MS; Yang, S. (2021).
Housing conditions and adverse birth outcomes among Indigenous people in Canada. Canadian
Journal of Public Health.
Butsang, Tenzin; Matheson, Flora; Flores, Jerry; Mashford-Pringle, Angela. (2020). Kijibashik:
Turn It Around. University of Toronto Journal of Public Health, Vol. 1, 1.
Shapiro, G.; Sheppard, A.; Bushnik, T.; Kramer, M.; Mashford-Pringle, A.; Kaufman, J.; Yang,
S. (2018). Adverse birth outcomes and infant mortality according to registered First Nations
status and First Nations community residence across Canada. Canadian Journal of Public
Health, Vol 109(5-6), pp. 692-699.
Mashford-Pringle, A. (2016). Is There Self-Determination in Canada’s First Nations
Communities? Journal of Northern Studies, Vol. 2(1), pp. 107-122. https://www.diva-
Mashford-Pringle, A. (2016). Aboriginal Health and Aboriginal Education are Interconnected.
Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Vol. 34, pp. 85-96. eISBN: 978-1-78635-467-9;
Mashford-Pringle, A. (2015). Indigenous Peoples and Biculturedness. Canadian Journal of
Native Studies, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 137-152.